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The Effects of Electronic Cigarettes on Teeth

It is common knowledge that smoking tobacco is bad for our teeth and mouths. Smoking drastically increases your risk for several things, including oral cancer and gum disease. However, it is important to know these side effects do not go away with e-cigarettes. Read on to learn more about why vaping is bad for your teeth from Optimal

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How Orthodontics Can Help Treat Hypodontia

The majority of people’s teeth will come through in a specific order and in specific positions. However, some people have missing teeth. They may have one or more gaps because the teeth that should have erupted and grown in simply aren’t there. This condition is known as hypodontia, and it can affect both baby and permanent teeth. Read

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Why You May Need Teeth Extracted Before Orthodontic Treatment

Getting braces isn’t as simple as just putting them on your teeth as they are. In fact, there are several steps one must go through prior to getting the actual appliances on your teeth. First, you will need a thorough tooth cleaning to make sure there is a clean, healthy surface. In some cases, more extensive preparation is

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How Orthodontics Can Help Jaw Alignment

Braces are a great option for correcting several dental issues. These issues include overcrowding, misalignment, spacing, and overbites and underbites. A lot of people like braces because of the aesthetic change that they can make, however, braces can also fix non-aesthetic issues that are pertinent to the health of your teeth and jaw. Braces help to bring your

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What Age Should my Child See an Orthodontist?

Parents are usually well-versed in getting their child to the dentist early on. Establishing oral health routines for your toddlers is standard – but what about their first visit to the orthodontist? When should they go? Is my child too young for the orthodontist? Is my child too young for braces? Luckily, all these questions have simple answers.

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Do I Have Gum Disease?

What is gum disease?  Also known as periodontal disease, gum disease is an infection of the tissues that hold your teeth in place. The culprit for this disease is usually poor brushing and flossing habits. These poor habits allow plaque – a sticky film of bacteria – to build up on the teeth and harden. If the disease

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Dating with Braces

Having to live, eat, and brush around braces is certainly a big task. Many teens and adults who have braces worry about braving the dating scene. Braces can make dating seem daunting and heightens nerves all around. Never fear! There’s no reason your orthodontic treatment should hamper your romantic life. Whether you’re a teen or an adult, dating

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Do Braces Cause Canker Sores?

Canker sores are flat white sores that appear in your mouth and can last for a week or more. What causes these small mouth ulcers is unknown. Canker sores aren’t a serious issue, but they aren’t the most comfortable.  However, they are quite easy to prevent, especially once you understand what triggers them.   In This Post, We’ll

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The Perks of Going to An Orthodontist Early

Did you know that early orthodontic care may help you avoid costly treatment in the future? Like most things in life, orthodontic health can be much more manageable if you get ahead of it. The American Association of Orthodontics suggests that a child visits the orthodontist by age 7 in order to keep their oral health in check.

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Can You Get Braces with Missing Teeth

For many children losing teeth is an exciting rite of passage. Another exciting rite of passage is starting orthodontic treatment. And, a question we get from parents bringing in children for s first evaluation is whether or not they can even get started with all of their missing teeth. It’s common to wonder if your child is losing

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