How to Speed Up Your Orthodontic Treatment: Hacks for a Faster, Better Smile

Orthodontic Treatment

Everyone wants to achieve their perfect smile as quickly as possible, but orthodontic treatment often requires patience. However, at Optimal Orthodontics of Humble, we understand that many patients are eager to see results sooner rather than later. While there’s no way to completely bypass the time required for safe and effective treatment, there are several ways to help speed up your orthodontic journey. With the right habits, tools, and guidance from our board-certified orthodontists, you can work towards a faster, healthier smile.


1. Follow Your Orthodontist’s Instructions

One of the simplest and most effective ways to accelerate your treatment is to follow your orthodontist’s instructions carefully. Whether you’re wearing braces or clear aligners like Invisalign, adhering to your treatment plan is essential to keep things on track. If you’re instructed to wear elastics or other orthodontic appliances, it’s important to wear them as directed. Consistency helps ensure your teeth move as expected, reducing the risk of delays.


2. Wear Your Elastics (Rubber Bands) Diligently

If your treatment involves elastics (rubber bands), wearing them as instructed is crucial for maintaining your progress. Elastics work to correct your bite by applying consistent pressure, helping to align your teeth and jaw faster. Failing to wear them as recommended can slow down your treatment and prolong the time spent in braces or aligners. If you’re unsure about how or when to wear your elastics, don’t hesitate to ask our team at Optimal Orthodontics of Humble for guidance.


3. Keep Your Oral Hygiene in Check

Maintaining excellent oral hygiene can have a significant impact on the speed of your orthodontic treatment. Plaque buildup, cavities, and gum disease can all slow down your treatment progress and even lead to treatment interruptions if additional dental work is needed. By brushing and flossing thoroughly after every meal, you can help keep your teeth and gums healthy, ensuring your treatment stays on schedule.

Consider using orthodontic-friendly toothbrushes, floss threaders, or water flossers to make cleaning around your braces or aligners easier and more effective.


4. Consider Accelerated Orthodontic Devices

Some orthodontic patients may benefit from accelerated orthodontic devices designed to help speed up tooth movement. At Optimal Orthodontics of Humble, we offer devices like AcceleDent® or Propel® as options for patients looking to expedite their treatment. These devices work by gently vibrating the teeth and bones, helping to stimulate faster tooth movement and potentially cutting down treatment time.

While these options may not be suitable for everyone, talk to our board-certified orthodontists to see if accelerated orthodontics could be right for you.


5. Wear Your Aligners as Prescribed

For those undergoing Invisalign or other clear aligner treatments, wearing your aligners for the recommended 20-22 hours per day is critical for maintaining progress. Aligners rely on consistent wear to shift teeth into their correct positions. Failing to wear them for the necessary amount of time each day can delay progress and lengthen your treatment timeline. To speed up your treatment, only remove your aligners for eating, drinking, and brushing.


6. Avoid Damaging Your Braces or Aligners

Damaging your braces or aligners can significantly set back your treatment progress. Broken brackets or wires on traditional braces may require an emergency visit to the orthodontist, and if left unattended, can disrupt your treatment plan. Similarly, if you’re using Invisalign, damaging or losing your aligners can lead to delays. To avoid these setbacks, be mindful when eating hard or sticky foods, and always handle your aligners with care.


7. Stay on Top of Your Appointments

Regular appointments are critical to ensuring that your orthodontic treatment stays on track. These visits allow our team at Optimal Orthodontics of Humble to monitor your progress, make necessary adjustments, and address any issues that may arise. Missing appointments or delaying visits can result in longer treatment times, so be sure to stay on top of your orthodontic appointments to keep everything moving forward smoothly.


8. Use Orthodontic Wax for Comfort

Discomfort caused by braces can sometimes tempt patients to avoid wearing their appliances or following treatment recommendations. Orthodontic wax can help alleviate irritation from brackets and wires, making it easier to stick with your treatment plan. Staying comfortable ensures you’re more likely to follow your orthodontist’s instructions, which in turn helps keep your treatment timeline on track.


A Faster Smile, the Right Way

At Optimal Orthodontics of Humble, we are dedicated to providing effective, efficient, and personalized orthodontic care. While some factors of treatment time are beyond control, following these tips can help speed up the process and ensure that you reach your smile goals as quickly and comfortably as possible. Our board-certified orthodontists are here to support you every step of the way.


Ready to Get Started?

If you’re looking to begin or accelerate your orthodontic treatment, contact Optimal Orthodontics of Humble today to schedule a consultation. We’ll work with you to create a personalized plan that fits your lifestyle and helps you achieve a healthier, faster, and more beautiful smile!